Legal and ethical considerations: guidelines for appropriate conduct on our platform

At, we are dedicated to providing a platform that promotes amicable resolutions between consumers and businesses. To maintain a respectful and professional environment, it is essential that all users adhere to our guidelines for appropriate conduct. This page outlines the key legal and ethical considerations for using our platform.

Conducting Yourself Respectfully

When submitting a complaint or engaging with other parties on, please ensure that you:

  1. Be truthful: Provide accurate and honest information in your complaint. Misrepresentation or providing false information can lead to legal consequences and undermine your credibility.
  2. Be professional: Use respectful and professional language when describing your complaint and communicating with others. Avoid using offensive, derogatory, or discriminatory language.
  3. Maintain privacy: Do not disclose sensitive or personal information about yourself or others without proper consent. This includes sharing contact details, financial information, or any other information that could compromise an individual’s privacy.
  4. Follow the law: Comply with all applicable laws and regulations when using our platform. This includes respecting intellectual property rights and not engaging in any illegal activities.

Responsible Complaint Submission

When submitting a complaint, ensure that you:

  1. Provide sufficient detail: Clearly describe the nature of your complaint, including relevant dates, locations, and any involved parties. Providing complete and accurate information will help facilitate a timely resolution.
  2. Include supporting evidence: Attach any relevant documents or photographs that can support your complaint. Ensure that you have the right to share these materials and that they do not infringe on any copyrights or privacy rights.
  3. Be realistic with your desired resolution: Request a fair and reasonable resolution to your complaint. Unreasonable demands may hinder the resolution process and strain the relationship between the parties involved.
  4. Be open to dialogue: Engage in constructive discussions with the business or service provider to reach a mutually satisfactory outcome. Avoid escalating the situation unnecessarily or resorting to personal attacks.

Accountability and Liability

As a user of, you are responsible for the content you submit and any consequences that may arise from your actions. This includes taking legal, moral, and financial responsibility for the information you provide. will not be held liable for any damages or legal issues that may arise from the information you submit.

Reporting Inappropriate Content

If you encounter any content or behaviour on that violates these guidelines, please report it to our customer support team. We are committed to maintaining a safe and respectful environment for all users and will take appropriate action against any violations.

By adhering to these legal and ethical guidelines, you help create a positive and productive atmosphere on Together, we can work towards resolving consumer complaints effectively and promoting customer satisfaction.

Submit a complaint


Why are legal and ethical considerations important on Ensuring that all users adhere to legal and ethical guidelines maintains a respectful and professional environment, promoting amicable resolutions between consumers and businesses.

What should I include when submitting a complaint?
Provide accurate information, sufficient detail, supporting evidence, and realistic desired resolutions. Engage in constructive discussions with the involved parties.

Am I responsible for the content I submit on
Yes, users are responsible for the content they submit and any consequences that may arise from their actions, including legal, moral, and financial responsibilities.

How can I report inappropriate content on
If you encounter content or behaviour that violates the guidelines, report it to our customer support team. We are committed to maintaining a safe and respectful environment for all users.

How does adhering to the guidelines benefit the platform?
Following the legal and ethical guidelines helps create a positive and productive atmosphere on, leading to more effective resolution of consumer complaints and increased customer satisfaction.

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